Everything that we Visualise And the words that we use in our Speech, creates our Knowledge and reality hence VASK Therapy was born.
My Journey
My personal journey started on 24th May 2009 when my late husband died whilst leading and filming a documentary commissioned by National Geographic. Carl was filming the Titanic’s sister ship, The Britannic, which is known as the Mount Everest in the world of shipwrecks. He was last seen and photographed going into The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Machine Room of which there are very few left in the world, including the Titanic.
Mine and my two children’s lives were devastated beyond belief!…Our world was shattered!
Life changing moments really do make you appreciate life! Everything changed in that split second and our lives would never be the same again!

I chose to turn our lives around. The intense grief, incredible stress, heightened anxiety, devastating financial loss, the 4 year long fight to keep our home, being in a coma through illness myself, having two amazing but bereaved children as well as everything else that goes along with becoming a young widow meant that in our new world, I was struggling to cope.
Then I had a Rapid Specialist Therapy session and it completely transformed me! (Thank you B.W!)
I re-trained in Rapid Specialist Hypnotherapy because it changed my life so much that I wanted to share the complete ease, true rapidness and quick transformation of this highly successful Hybrid Therapy.
I’m now incredibly pleased to say I’m a Rapid Specialist Hypnotherapist, a certified Hypnotherapist as well as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. I am also an Accredited Practioner of The General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and a Registered Practioner on the General Hypnotherapy Register.
Furthermore I’m a registered member of IIACT, ICO and fully GPDR compliant.
I specialise in fear of flying. If you have no flying confidence? Take your control back, without the need for pills or alcohol.
I provide international and worldwide online therapy sessions, via video conferencing as well as face to face to clients from all walks of life.
If you love what you do then you will never ever work another day in your life and I love my therapy sessions because they change lives! I’m able to make an amazing difference and leave an incredible positive footprint behind.